Friday 13 April 2007

And last but not least, Kevin and I have passed a milestone ...

As of April 11, we are now the proud parents of a teenager. Yes, Alison turned 13 on April 11!

How did that happen?

Wasn't she just recently an adorable little toddler getting into everything? A preschooler, who with wind in ears, would race away and "get lost" in large department stores, scaring her parents to death? A school-age little one who attempted to do a flying somersault between two twin beds, and who was not quite successful but desperately wanted to get it right and try again? (Mom, doctoring the concussion, said "no"). She's 13 now; a nurturing soul who loves children and animals, reading, pushing herself in sports of different kinds, fibre arts, creative writing, and the list goes on.

What a neat adventure, watching these really neat kids grow up, stage by stage. I was terrified of teens when I was one, and even as I got older. But I'm having such a great time with my own, and with their friends.

We're anticipating this next stage even more!

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