Friday 18 May 2007

Would someone please speak to my cats ????

... about the fact that the ball of yarn for Iain's second sock is MISSING and currently unlocatable :(.

All night, that's what they do ... M.J. and Amadeo, partners in crime extrodinaire as they seek out my current wool hiding place, then play with yarn balls, wrapping them around furniture in a creative kitty web that drives us nuts in the morning as we try to untangle everything. Every night. Without fail, and no matter how well I hide things. Yes, I could place my tiny stash under lock and key, but really, should I have to???

We have awoken some mornings to a three-dimensional tangle, where balls of yarn have been dragged upstairs, leaving their tails behind them, played with, tangled, then dropped down the staircase again. These kitties have a purpose, and they live for their nights. One gets used to the rumble of little feet pounding across the vinyl flooring during the wee hours. It's oddly comforting once you get used to it. I've discovered a bold new reason for using circular needles; your completed work does not slide off so readily when dragged across the floor by a feline outlaw :).

But in the meantime, if anyone has any good ideas of where my sock wool might be, please let me know!

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