Monday, 25 August 2008

Note to a child.

It is unwise, at this time of the month ;-). and when Mom has been outside since 7:30 moving a few hundred metres of Electranet fencing so that we have new pasture and are ready for winter ... when she has been digging up thistle plants and milkweed because they are alternately fleece-destroying and poisonous ... when at 10:30 a.m. she NOT YET had coffee nor breakfast, and when after she gobbles those, she must buckle down at the computer and work for a couple of hours, in amongst laundry and booking appointments and sundry other things ...

it is unwise ...

very, VERY unwise ...

to whine in reply "It's not fair!" when asked to do a chore that you should have done already this morning. A chore which you haven't done because you've been reading comic books and playing with the three caterpillars you've made a home for in your bedroom.

Heh, heh, heh.

Love (really!),


P.S. But MANY, MANY thanks to the child who happily cleaned our entire house this morning, blasting ABBA (can you believe it) and singing at the top of her lungs :-).