Monday 3 December 2007

Lots of family news and I'm getting behind :-)

Kevin will be headed to Chatham again in a little over a week. Our friends Al and Rosanne Baker are officially moving to Chatham, so Al needs a little time to move his family. For those days, Kevin will be doing the morning show out of UCB Chatham-Kent, which is 89.3 FM on the dial. Apparently the Chatham station can be heard into the U.S., and as far as London and on some days Waterloo in south-western Ontario.

Alison had quite the monumental day on Saturday. First, she came home with two new sets of glasses. She has been wearing the same pair since we moved to the County, and they were now quite smallish on her now 5'1" hundred pound body. Courtesy of UCB and their benefits and perks, she now has a funky pair of black glasses (we call them her "serious musician specs") and another set that are sort of a coppery brown.

But even more exciting to her; it was announced in her class early last week that there were some job openings at a small barn near Northport. The owner/instructor was looking specifically for a couple of grade 8 students to work two hours a week, in return for a free one-hour riding lesson! Alison has been praying about riding lessons for two years, so she is very excited. I was excited because Alison has had a few lessons from Mary previously; she is a British woman with a lovely accent, a calm demeanor, VERY strict but kind, and very fussy about proper horse care and teaching solid basics. She also runs a very safe, organized barn, so it's the perfect place for Alison to start. She will learn the right and safe way to do things. During the summer holidays, should she be asked to work more hours, she will be paid for her time.

This has been a great exercise for Alison at 13. Mary wanted a complete resumé, written references, and a proper interview. The character reference that Janna Cylka wrote for her was truly beautiful. Alison is pumped! She works from 10:00 until 12:00 every Saturday; eats her lunch there and then has her riding lesson. Of course, we just realized that she has grown out of her riding boots AND hat; small problem, but not insurmountable. She has actually grown INTO some of my old breeches and my riding jacket :-)!

Claire has to wait another week for her glasses, unfortunately; she couldn't decide which pairs would be suitable the first visit. Hers should be ready the first of next week, and she is also thrilled! She is getting one set with therapeutic bi-focals (as per her current pair, but at half strength) and one set with NO bifocal as her eyes gradually strengthen. Once everyone's glasses are in, Mom, I'll post some photos!

And on the "thanks be for benefits" topic; I filled my first prescription on our new drug plan and paid $2.99. Even the pharmacist was impressed. Very thankful!

Major goings-on at our church. Too much to go into detail here; suffice to say that the physical church on earth is a poor type of the bride of Christ :-D. We are currently pastor-less; our senior pastor has moved on to a larger church in the Toronto area, and our youth pastor had previously been let go due to lack of funds. Kevin preached this Sunday and is scheduled to do quite a few of the advent/Christmas services. He will actually receive an honorarium for this, which is cool. The church will be looking for an interim pastor, I believe. More also going on (it's never that simple :-)) ; but God is still on the throne and things will work out in the end.

AND we have ANOTHER snow day; buses in three counties have been cancelled due to snow/slush/sleet/rain/snow (take your pick; it's all out there!). I can't believe how early the weather has gone wintry this year. The last couple of days have been more typical of mid-January or February. The good thing is, school has REALLY interfered with Christmas preparations, so we will attempt to head into Belleville later this morning for Alison's orthodontic appointment and to let the kids shop. We decorated the house yesterday so we definitely feeling Christmas-y.

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