Monday 4 August 2008

Mummers camp!

Claire had a wonderful three weeks at the Marysburgh Mummers Camp. The Mummers are a theatre company based in Milford, Ontario. They have a long history of quality productions, and aim to include as many children as possible. I was blown away by the musical they ended up with which was done twice on Friday. The pianist and musical arranger was actually a symphony orchestra conductor who lives in the county half-time. Two guys in different musical theatre programs (Sheridan and St. Lawrence) volunteered three weeks this summer, unpaid, to help out (these two were AMAZING!). Jeanette Arsenault helped out by being a musical director, and assisted the kids in writing their own song which was showcased. As well, there was a talent show. The energy was amazing, and these few photographs will not convey much of anything. But here goes :-).

Below are two videos of Claire doing her rendition of "Tomorrow", from Annie. The first she performed a capella during the morning show; the second she was accompanied by the pianist during the evening show. This was thrown together at the last minute. Claire started out a bit unsure, the pianist had a few bobbles, and the arrangement was a bit lower than she had practised, but it still came out pretty well.

Ack. Having problems uploading the videos :-(.

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