Wednesday 19 November 2008

This morning I was up at o'dark o'clock ... (family stuff mostly)

driving Alison in to the high school. Today her class heads to University of Toronto, where they are participating in a very cool sounding drama workshop. The day culminates with a production of Romeo and Juliet, which is the play they are currently studying. And for this trip, not just any old school bus, but a lovely big Franklin Tours coach! Our drive in was somewhat complicated by the face that we had quite a frost, and do you think I could find even ONE scraper for the windshield??? Nope.

Kev is back to work after a fairly restful "vacation". He did still do some church stuff, and of course, the ever-present "Annie", but on the whole he was able to sleep in to normal hours, do some reading, watch some TV and get some chores done. I'm not sure he was ready to go back today ... Kev, want to comment here?? :-)

Today is ice-skating day for my home educated student. However Iain did not sleep well last night (the first night ever he's been bothered by nightmares) so I've sent him back to bed, and we'll see how the day progresses.

Claire is enjoying some respite this week ... no Annie practices at all prior to Friday night's performance. She's basically enjoying school, protecting her voice, and getting lots of rest. She requested a sleepover with a cast member on Friday night, but her mean parents (both of us) emphatically said "no"! We suggested she wait and have the sleepover on a night where it wasn't quite as essential that she actually have a good night's sleep ;-).

I sold my first two fleeces this week. These were Eddy and Coriander's lamb fleeces, shorn this fall. Thanks, Ann and Michelle! I've actually changed my decision on a lamb based on her fleece. Coriander is staying because her fleece is just yummy and I can't bear the thought of not having her sheared next year. Remember girls, I want constructive criticism back on fleece quality!

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