Wednesday 11 February 2009

Hi all

I haven't had a whole lot of time to blog lately ... just busy juggling school, work, transportation to events etc. I quickly wanted to mention that lambs will start arriving no earlier than about the 25th of March, for those who visit because of farm interests :-).

The girls had a wonderful weekend at Joy Bible Camp. The leaders took the group through a video/book series for Josh Harris' "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" -- a book that all the girls in this house have already read and loved. It correlates well with my long-held theory that dating is the best preparation for divorce there is! (But that's for another time). Apparently there was lots of animated discussion, in particular from the kids who ARE dating right now :-). There was also tubing, sledding, snowboarding (Claire was able to give it a try), long discussions well in to the night and pranking, in no particular order. Fun times!

2 comments: said...

Elisabeth Elliot - another great source of reading and tapes - I was listening to interviews with her and James Dobson through "Focus on the Family" tapes my youth group leader (who was also my aunt) had ordered and leant out to us when I was the age of your gals. Awesome stuff. This was one of the reasons I had no boyfriends (other than Steve) and I don't regret that decision at all!!
Go Stenhouse girls, go!

kkaci said...

Oh yes, I used to own "Passion and Purity" ... loved that book. Loaned it and "The Journals of Jim Elliot" (think that's what it was called) to a friend who was then killed in a horrible car accident :-(. I do wish I still had those books for the kids to read ... budget is far too tight to pick them up now.

Although I had boyfriends pc days, after I became a Christian I said "No" several times to various marriage-minded males ... it wasn't until Kev that God UN-guarded my heart.