Friday 3 August 2007

4H Lambs revisited and Anne of Green Gables update

Here is Jasmine. She's half Texel, quarter Rideau Arcott, quarter Rambouillet (approximately) and she's 4 months old in this photo. This is Alison's lamb, and I caught her mid-baa :).

Here is Kivu at 3.5 months. She is Claire's 4H lamb, and is a purebred and soon-to-be-registered Shetland.

We just went out this morning and shifted the fences to take in a lovely lush weedy area. The weed in question is actually trefoil, a forage crop, and we're happy to see it on our property because it's basically sheep-candy :). Sheep are natural forbers which means they LOVE weeds, not grass. They are the ultimate natural weeding machine. Weeds don't have a chance, and the pasture is fertilized at the same time, naturally :).

The girls heard back last night; they are in the community and school parts of Anne of Green Gables. The director was thrilled that they had danced and been in the chorus of Jesus Christ Superstar and wanted to include them. We are still debating, however; wondering whether starting at a new school and having a crazy rehearsal schedule will be too much for September and October. Pros? The choreographer and dance coach is fabulous and it will be great experience. I'm thankful they didn't try out for a major character.

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