Saturday 22 March 2008

Hurray!!! Look closely ...

A robin in each cherry tree :-). Mourning doves on the back railing of the house. Patches of earth. Three ewes acting in very matronly ways (our oldest has that "I'm nine months pregnant of course I waddle!" movement).



(Despite the sub-zero temperatures we're having, but I digress :-) ...)


Lona said...

I believe...please help my unbelief!

kkaci said...

Heh, heh ...

It's a strange spring. We have robins in droves. There are great blue herons all about. I saw a northern shrike on our clothesline pole yesterday. If you listen in the morning, it's a birdie spring orchestra. And yet we are blanketed with snow (more two days ago).

Hovering around -1 to 1 all week; not too bad for impending lambs. Have to get out and scrub the water trough out this morning!

There will be spring in Narnia. Down with the White Witch ;-).