Sunday 30 March 2008

Yup, spring is here ...

local roads are COVERED with racoons. Some dead, other scuttling off as you drive by. Three nights ago one knocked over our chicken feed. I balanced a bucket on the lid. Last night at 1:30 I heard the bucket fall, and raced downstairs and out the door yelling. I scared him off. Unfortunately I didn't hear he bucket fall later in the evening. The really odd thing? There is still chicken feed left in the bottom of the Rubbermaid garbage can (not a lot, but some); however, there are good chunks of the garbage can missing!

Last year we had a robin nest right on the railing of our back deck. Mama taught them to fly from the deck when they got older. This morning, I noticed a robin sitting on the railing, looking fat, cheeky and extraordinarily calm. I wonder ... I've put out bird seed, and placed the nest back into position. Just in case :-).

I spent two hours gardening yesterday. I was able to dig up all the side garden (rhubarb, tomato bushes and sunflowers planned) and almost all of the front foundation beds. I also dug up a new garden over the septic tank. There was a garden here when we arrived, but it dried out too quickly so I let it grow over. However, grass doesn't grow there either. This year I've added vermiculite and I'll mulch it really well and try again with just annuals, and perhaps a couple of peony bushes. It is much to early to garden; BUT so easy right now because even the weeds are still dead. Eventually I would love to move the chickens away from the house and put in a shade garden; I loved shade gardening in New Jersey and I'd love to give it a try here. In the middle of this windswept patch of clay soil, this one location on the north-east end of the house is my only possibility.

Kevin is into the last month of practices for "Anything Goes". Four members of this house sing the songs constantly; the kids run through his lines with him. I love that they all love the theatre; but my introverted self tends to hide at the computer during the noisiest times!

2 comments: said...

OK, that is funny, that practising for the year's county theatre production is a sign of spring at your place!! Every family has their traditions and I think that's another great one that you guys have. Very cool.

kkaci said...

I suppose it's a sign only of alternate springs ;-). But they sure are all-encompassing, even if it's only every other year.