Our poor woollies are losing theirs ... wool that is. Kivu, because she was shown in full fleece last fall, has never been sheared. She SHOULD have been done in March. Too cold. I was hoping to get them done end of April/early May. However my awesome shearer uses portable clippers to do our guys (electrical not strong enough to run his heavy duty unit). And they aren't working. He's getting them looked at; I, in the meantime, am watching Kivu's fleece shed out on it's own. Waaaah! I'm almost thinking I might take a go at it with scissors. However I know she, and the fleece, would likely look like a dog's breakfast if I tried that. Waiting .....
I'm hoping to actually make it to a spinning guild meeting this morning ... lots of house cleaning to do but I got a good start when I got up at 5:30. And it's supposed to rain extravagantly later today so I'll be stuck indoors then. I'm such an outdoors person ... give me sunshine and a breeze on my face any day. I will take Billie's fleece from last year and attempt to turn it into one of
these. Ha, ha.
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