Monday 5 May 2008

It's Not Easy Being Green (Article by Sheila Wray Gregoire)

Sheila lives in Belleville. Her husband Keith was our children's pediatrician when we first moved here, and we bumped into them occasionally through homeschooling circles. Sheila has a busy speaking ministry, and I enjoy reading her blog.

I loved this article. She expressed some of what had been percolating in my mind lately. I haven't been able to quite put it into words, and now I don't have to! I have her permission to print this here :-).

Sheila's website:
Sheila's blog:

I'm sorry posts have been lighter here for the last few weeks. I'm in the middle of my heavy speaking schedule, and it does get crazy around here.

Next week I'm on the road for five days, and ironically I may have more time then because I'm in a hotel room all day and the kids aren't with me. I only speak at night. So I'm looking forward to that, although I am going to miss my kids!

Anyway, we're taking off for the weekend for a youth retreat and I likely won't be able to blog. So I'm just warning you now!

But here's my column for this week. Every week I write a column that appears in a few Canadian and U.S. publications, and here it is for this week. I regretted it almost as soon as I wrote it because I hate hate mail, and this one is guaranteed to generate a lot. My inbox is already lighting up. But what can you do? It's what I believe. Here you go:

I was green before green was hip. In the mid 1990s I used cloth diapers on my babies. I have always used both sides of 8 ½ by 11 paper before recycling it, so
I’m one of the few who actually likes junk mail. Free paper! In my old house five composters were biodegrading all at one time, which is probably driving the new owners nuts. I love my clothesline. I have always loved hunting through thrift stores. I saved empty milk bags to use as freezer bags. And I take my bicycle, complete with the child trailer behind, to the grocery store. It’s too small for my kids, but it will do when I just need to pick up a few things.

I did all these things before David Suzuki (for my American friends, he's the Canadian equivalent of Al Gore) started lecturing us about them. But I didn’t do these things just for the environment. I did them because I’m cheap. The environmental benefits were just a nice added bonus.

I think everybody should be into the environment because then everybody wins: those who live near landfills; those who love the wilderness; those who want to breathe clean air; and those who are trying to make ends meet.

Yet while I like being green, I’m not a green fanatic. I can’t get too excited about global warming when the earth hasn’t actually warmed since 1998. Personally, I’m much more concerned with the fact that we might all jump on the global warming bandwagon so much that we’ll wreck our economy in the process, and thus relegate the Third World to permanent abject poverty. And with the current rush to biofuels inflating food prices, many are already hovering on the brink of starvation.

The Suzukis of the world tell us we have to sacrifice now because so many will die later, but many are dying now. Aren’t their lives worth something? And whether or not he cares to admit it, there isn’t a scientific consensus about global warming and its causes.

But the other reason I’m not a green fanatic is because so many who are green fanatics are hypocritical. I am sick of seeing rich actors and actresses jet all over the world and then preach to us about how they are saving the world by buying carbon offsets, unlike the rest of us plebes. Do you know whose carbon footprint is really small? My mother-in-law’s. She doesn’t drive. She doesn’t jump on a jet on a whim. She doesn’t buy junk, and she’s even getting over her Santa habit at Christmastime. She lives in a regular sized house and tries to keep her energy bill low. She doesn’t have a hot tub, or a sauna, or a home theatre. She’s not constantly buying bottled water; she drinks what’s in her tap. And she recycles and composts and gardens galore.

Al Gore, on the other hand, travels galore. He flew to Bali, with all the other global warming gurus, to talk about how we are wrecking the planet by our carbon emissions. The world’s media went to Bali, too, bringing the grand total to 10,000 people, and leaving a carbon footprint equal to that of a city of about 3,000,000 people in one day.

If the world is honestly in dire straits, why does Al Gore still have a twenty room mansion? Why did David Suzuki travel across the country in a diesel bus, rather than giving Internet seminars? Why did Prince Charles jet to New York to receive a green award from Al Gore? Why do Gore and Suzuki own more than one home? Why don’t they practise what they preach?

Green is now the “in” thing, and the rich are embracing it. But those who are really green aren’t rich. They’re just everyday folks sorting their recyclables, turning their heat down at night to save on energy bills, and camping in the summer rather than flying to Fiji. If these guys want to convince us global warming is enough of a threat that we should wreck our economy and starve the Third World, maybe they should give up the high life and start living the way we do. Then maybe we’d believe them more. Until then, I’d rather fight for the rights of those being preyed upon by higher food prices. That’s an immediate threat that there is no denying.

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