Tuesday 30 June 2009

Alison’s new smile :-)

Today was “debanding” day in Belleville.  Alison went in like this:



And came out like this :-):


She will have to wear a retainer for a year (that gets fitted on Thursday), then nights only after that.  What a gorgeous smile now!


cafepress.com/hitsandhobbies said...

Hey Alison,
What a beautiful smile! Tonight I wrote on my gmail tagline how I quit wearing my retainer after about 5 years (it was probably more like 2 or 3) because I thought I didn't really need to wear it anymore - I figured my teeth wouldn't shift after that long. WRONG! I'm always a little bummed when I see that one tooth at the front that shifted out of place when my wisdom teeth came in.
Anyway, my friend, Michelle, wrote me right away about how she did the same thing (stopped wearing her retainer) and how one of her front teeth went crooked. It drives us both crazy. So, take it from us - keep wearing that baby at night. Nobody will see it anyway and you'll keep that lovely, expensive smile for years and years! :-)

Lona said...

How wonderful! Congratulations...

I still remember how smooth my teeth were without all that hardware.

Michelle Found said...

Don't you just feel like a whole new person without those braces, Alison? I can remember how wonderful it felt when the braces were removed, after wearing them for about two years!

I had a retainer too. Then after a period of time I only had to wear it at night. I would sometimes cheat and not wear it... oh my goodness, that was a mistake because it was hard to fit it back into place if I skipped a few days in a row.

Then my teeth were SO straight, I somehow developed a lisp. So when I got the OK to not wear my retainer anymore, my teeth did shift a bit again; however, it was a good thing because then my lisp went away.

Congratulations on "the new mouth". Always show your teeth now when you smile!!! :OD