Friday 23 March 2007

Busy week ahead ...

... preparation for Geography Fair (both our presentation and also the myriad of details I have to assemble to run the program), extra practices for "Cross Purposes", the play Kevin is directing at church (and both Alison and Claire are part of us well), because it's on a week today and the Sunday as well. Plus our ewes are closer and closer to lambing, and one is driving us crazy because, although she's not off her feed, she's refusing her barley. This morning we were outside syringing very dilute molasses down her throat in hopes of stimulating her appetite. So this will involve extra phone calls and trips in to town due to our novice status in the shepherd department.

I'm feeling a little scattered, needless to say. But the weather is spectacular ... we spent some time outside today doing pond studies, grazing the chickens, dealing with aformentioned sheep, and planning where to plant 50 silver maple trees that will be arriving early in May :). We've ordered the trees through Quinte conservation for 75 cents each; they are not a great hardwood tree but instead considered a "pioneer" -- great for planting in cleared, unprotected areas; tough and quick growing. We won't be able to plant other species until we can provide sheltered areas for them. Other species I'm considering for future years are Burr Oak, Jack Pine and birch. We already have cedar, ash and a couple of poplars (why, I don't know???), plus two cherry trees. A previous owner planted a small orchard of apple trees, however he was somewhat misguided. He planted them in the driest end of the property, surrounded by cedar trees which act as hosts for a major apple pest. We will not spray, so we're letting them die a natural death.

I hope everyone is enjoying the sun and warmth :).

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