Monday 3 September 2007

New Link under "Links for Fun": For Better or For Worse Strip Fix

This month marks another ending; one that makes much of our family sad. Lynn Johnston, the creator and cartoonist of the long running strip "For Better or For Worse", is winding down her comic strip.

This comic strip, if you have not read it previously, is a gem. Lynn got her start drawing cartoons on the ceiling of the maternity ward/ob clinics at McMaster University. It is known for it's "aging"; the characters have grown and changed. Early strips featured Elly and John and their two young children; most recently their children are almost all grown and they have grandchildren. Lynn is now 65 and attempting to retire, although I understand there will still be occasional new material.

BUt for the most part, the aging will wind down, and be completely finished by early next year. The strip will continue on from the perspective of the eldest son sharing his growing up years with his dd.

My children have grown up reading about the adventures of John, Elly, Michael, Elizabeth and April; as have I :). We will miss them!

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