Thursday 27 September 2007

Quick "what's going on" kind of post :)

We are very busy. I figured I should post a quick update. The kids are settling in nicely at school. Both girls are running in the regional (county) cross-country event today. It is held at Sandbanks Provincial Park, on Lake Ontario. Alison was grateful that it rained overnight and was hoping this morning that it also rained at the park; rain turns the sand slightly hard-pack and makes it easier to run on. The girls are both playing the clarinet and band starts next week. The band will travel to Canada's Wonderland in the spring to play in some big Ontario-wide band function, and the girls are committed to catching up to the level required so they can attend. They are also both assisting in the running of the library, and Alison is on the recycling team. And Claire in particular is looking forward to the bi-annual school musical, which is on for this year. I'm thankful they are getting quite involved, since otherwise there would be a definite boredom problem; they are somewhat ... hmmm ... over-prepared for the academic level at the school. They all love the school bus (nice that they're not old and jaded on this :) ..) and all three have Really. Fabulous. Teachers. Seriously, the teachers at this school are some of the best I've known.

Kevin continues to settle in at UCB. Every day it is more and more apparent that they needed him desperately :). Or at least his very good organizational skills :D. On many levels his presence there is a good thing. For anybody trying to tune in online, they are updating their band width shortly, although still only to a level allowing 200 online listeners which is not enough. But of course, it's a cost thing. We've already been the beneficiary of the first perk ... glasses coverage for Kevin! He is sporting new, somewhat trendy semi-rimless specs. And we are eagerly awaiting "life with benefits" which will start in early December. It's been a long, long while since we've had any sort of extended health benefits. They seem much more like a gift now, rather than an expectation.

I am juggling housework (wow, so much easier when people aren't living here 24/7!), decluttering and deepcleaning (there are areas in my house that hadn't been touched since we moved in :) ...), website design and other tasks for NLGH, planning for Junior Youth events this fall, getting the livestock ready for winter life (worming, moving pasture, etc.). I am very content.

Oh yes, and one photo ... Iain booting around a campground on a mini-ATV. I don't know whether you can the ear-to-ear grin on his face, but he was pumped. This occured at a friend's birthday party last night.

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