Tuesday 27 January 2009

The continuing post-Annie saga

of Claire's hair.

The red dye we used refuses to cover. Tonight, my friend Vic tried once again. She has her cosmetology license and found some good product at a wholesale place in Belleville. Here is the result ... it's lovely .... still a red sheen but quite a bit better. Claire was lamenting at how long her hair was getting after the dye job, and voila! out come the scissors and an adorable blunt cut was born.

Thanks Vic! And no more permanent dyes done in this house ... ever. Claire, if Anne of Green Gables comes around in the next couple of years you do not have permission to audition for Anne! :-).

Post-dye, pre-cut:

Almost done:

The end product:

1 comment:

cafepress.com/hitsandhobbies said...

Hahaha - I'm laughing a the no dying rule because in your house it works, your kids are still young enough for this to be appropriate, but ....
When Steve and I were engaged, he was going to meet my dad's side of the family at a 50th wedding anniversary party (lots of people - a big "Alvinston do") and he needed a hair cut. I hadn't cut much hair at that point, but was going to do it for him. Everything was ok, until I took the electric raiser to really cut the sides well. Yah, the raiser seemed to take off like a shot and "zip" hair was missing well past the top of his ear. He was very kind and gracious and it grew out quickly - no one, that I know of noticed (or at least said anything - we kind of hid at a table!), but my mom made a rule "no more cutting hair the day of a big family event."
I was like, "I'm getting married, you can't make a rule like that for me!!" (Even though I knew it was a good idea!)