Monday 5 January 2009

Christmas and New Year's 2008

Christmas tree 2008 :-). It is always so much fun decorating. Each of the kids has their own stash of ornaments built up over the years. A funny; this year one was concerned that when they left, we would have nothing to decorate our tree with :-). This, as we strained our eyes looking for one last untrimmed branch, and packed away the excess that had no tree home.

We had a very peaceful Christmas (by default, since I was still recovering from pneumonia!). Here are a few photos from Christmas morning:

Dickens, intensely focused on his Christmas stocking containing a few doggie treats. Doesn't he remind you of a child??? He also received a few pig ears and a new stuffed animal to cart around. I am presently teaching him to "tidy up" his toys, however I haven't been too consistent and he doesn't quite get it yet.

Our trusty woodstove, for which we are truly thankful! It's true though; weirdly, a couple of times during the Christmas season we STILL put the holiday channel on the TV (you know, the ever-flaming fireplace :-) ... a fire at each end of the family room!

Iain the Rocker Dude with his Christmas guitar. This is an electric guitar that he has been saving up for ... Kev and I were able to contribute and complete the purchase for him for Christmas. He is also wearing an electric guitar rocker hoodie that Claire discovered at WalMart. And Claire's Christmas hat, just because it matched :-).

The true owner of the herringbone hat. Claire, wearing her gift sweater from the Wessel family, that matches her eyes completely and perfectly. It was quite astonishing.

Alison, modeling her Aero Postale bag from Auntie Kim. She's quite thrilled by this, and this morning used it as a book bag for school!

Our turkey dinner, which turned out to perfection (of course, since we had no guests for dinner ;-) ...).

We spent a decidedly lazy Christmas vacation. We now have four "West Wing" addicts in our home, so watched a good chunk of TV. Kev has been trying to interest me in this TV series for YEARS and only this time around did it catch :-).

The only other thing I was personally able to accomplish?

Kevin's socks are DONE. Both of them. Here is sock no. two drying by the woodstove on my homemade sock forms (yes, how fancy sounding -- it's a coat hanger :-) ...). Next sock project will be for Alison, whose first pair are completed, save for casting off sock two, and have gone missing. I have been looking for them since the summer :-(. Hopefully they will turn up as I cast off the second pair.

And lastly, but not least, my Christmas gift from Kevin. He purchased me this:

It's an Ashford drop spindle! And I'm presently making lace-weight yarn on it from his other gift, which was 100% Corriedale roving, custom dyed by Ann-Marie:

I also received lace-weight wool from Claire for Christmas, so I'm about to face my biggest knitting obstacle: my fear of lace knitting :-). I did pick up what seems to be a very easy scarf pattern from Rosehaven Farm Store last week, which I think I'll try first with my handspun. Other fibre news; we borrowed hand cards from Ann-Marie over the holidays and Alison has discovered a special knack for this. I have started spinning Kivu!!!! I'm REALLY looking forward to knitting the first project from one of our own animals.

All in all it was a peaceful Christmas, and because of health reasons it's good we didn't have a whole bunch of family plans ... but I missed family. I would have loved to host a house full! One last piece of news which I may have posted already, but for the life of me can't remember ... our homestudy has been completed and we are now an approved foster home in Prince Edward County! We meet our resource worker this week. Life is busy and full. God is good. Bless you all!

1 comment: said...

Thanks for sharing your Christmas morning with us! I felt like I was sitting by the woodstove watching . . . what a treat for me!