Monday 21 September 2009

Music to my ears :-)

There has been a resurgence of all things musical at our house. Any given minute I may hear Iain on his electric guitar (currently working on Viva la Vida), Claire singing or on her acoustic (she saved up most of her earnings this summer, and a portion is paying for 20 guitar lessons), or Alison learning great music on the piano. I'm grateful that this generation's music is amazing, even though I'm not, as a good parent, supposed to love my kids' music. Hello? Coldplay? The Frey? Even some of the alt bands' commercial stuff is awesome. Alison is also learning to play the djembi and playing with the worship team, and Claire continues to sing, as usual. Iain has been writing songs like crazy since he learned a few chords on the guitar as well. I love it :-). Life is good.

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