Wednesday 23 April 2008

How many 4H members does it take to tip a sheep? (aka "Learn to Do by Doing"!)

Our regular 4H meeting was out at the Gilbert's farm on Monday night, and the Smith's brought over their hoof trim chute. This is a very helpful system for farms where the sheep are kept in flock. Ours stand for us, and lift their feet helpfully like horses. We don't need this system at home.

Here is the club, working on a poor, unsuspecting Katahdin.

Little did she know what fate would await her as she walked through the chute!

How she ended up on her side:

Iain, busily working away on a hind foot. It is definitely a lot easier for the kids to gain experience with hands-on sheep care when the sheep are immobilized like this!

We brought one of our neighbours to Sheep Club this month. Amanda is super keen! We are going to try to find a lamb for her to raise at our place.


Lona said...

Ooh-la-la! This is dh's dream for hoof trimming... Mine, too, if I'm honest.

kkaci said...

It is pretty cool. You can purchase hydraulic ones as well, but I don't think that would be necessary. I couldn't believe how smoothly the mechanism worked! One finger rotates the sheep.