Wednesday, 10 January 2007

Snickers Lives Again

Two nights ago we witnessed a miracle in our family. Not quite a miracle, I suppose, but closely dancing on the edge of one.

My daughter C. came out to inform us that "Snickers", her wee little hamster, had died. We went to her room, and Snickers definitely seemed to be almost departed. His soft brown and white body was ice cold, although not yet stiff. Oddly, he still seemed to be breathing occasionally, albeit in a very shallow fashion. We decided he was likely dying.

Snickers had been a wonderful pet hamster. Good and kind. Not prone to bite. He had been a good friend to my daughter. I suggested that we should hold him as he died so that we could honour him and let him know he was loved as he passed. We wrapped the little guy in a towel and I held him on my lap.

Soon, his whiskers started to flicker. My husband quickly jumped online, and discovered that hamsters can become "torpid"; a pseudo-hibernation that is dangerous as they can become dehydrated, then die. We continued to rub the little guy, feeding him warm water from a dropper and within an hour he was right as rain! It was amazing to watch. One little eye stayed closed until the next morning, but now is he just like new,

The joy we felt over that little guy coming back to life must be nothing compared to God's joy when one of His, dead to Him, slowly awakens to His truth. I wonder if God does the happy dance too!

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