Monday 28 January 2008

Day in Kingston

We made it to Kingston.

We waited quite a while for Kev's appointment, however his leg started to really, really hurt (no way to elevate it in the waiting room) so they kindly let him come in and lay down on a gurney.

The stitches came out ... some of them had actually been grown over, so it was not a pretty process. The nurse called herself "Gentle Joan", however ...

We were sent home (the first time in a month that the hospital decided not to admit him; hurray!) ...

... with physio instructions that said "post op necrotizing fasciitis i & d", so apparently that was what he had. He had many more people from physio come in to ooh and aahh over his leg. He will start physio this week.

We now have coverage for physiotherapy. Double hurray!

I treated Kev to a meal at Red Lobster on the way home. We haven't eaten here in years since our one feeble attempt to successfully eat a gluten-free, dairy-free meal. Well, times have changed! They treated us like stars, and the chef actually re-created the meal I wanted FROM SCRATCH so it would be gluten-free. Truly. Amazing. Service. They were extremely well versed in food allergies, and said the only allergy they had a hard time working around was shell fish :-D.

Now, we are both wasted ... home resting until the kids arrive ... couple of gimps ;-).

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