Friday 18 January 2008

Kev is home ... :-)

Kev is home today ... and well on his road to recovery. We still appreciate your prayers as he figures out the walking-with-crutches thing, and using muscles differently than before.

We are very, very thankful that he is here, and still has both legs; although the surgeon said he had to do a hack job on his leg due to the emergency nature of the surgery, I think it looks good. He has a couple of extremely impressive incisions up the sides of his left leg. It was necrotizing fasciitis, although between prayer and quick thinking at Picton Hospital, it was already being halted even as his fever skyrocketed (105 degrees) and he was sent by ambulance to KGH.

God is good. God still would have been good had the outcome been different, but we are grateful that He chose to answer in this way.

I'm pretty tired though :-).

Thank you everyone for your prayers.

1 comment:

Lona said...

Oh, good news!

Hugs to you my friend.