Thursday 24 January 2008

This makes me so angry ...

Link to article on Westboro Baptist "Church" 's planned demonstration at Heath Ledger's funeral

I am a Christian. I'm a "born-again", Bible-believing, sinner whose life was changed at age 24 by the grace of a loving God. All those words that used to make me cringe, now make me free. I normally don't make a big deal of this around here; not the purpose of the blog ... but my faith is lifestyle and a "love"-style and it colours how I see the world around me. It was, and continues to be, a huge, real event and I am thankful/grateful/awestruck.

I read this article, and I am deeply embarassed and very sad. Embarassed that some people, who don't understand that life in Christ is the most freeing, loving relationship possible in this world, will associate me and my faith to these people just because of my "label". And very sad, because of the hypocrisy. I just. don't. get it. I'm wondering whether Matthew 7:1-6 has been preached from recently in this church. Also sad that the media is able to ferret out so efficiently all of the unkind things that God's church is responsible for, and yet His people are responsible for so much good that goes uncelebrated. Sigh. Enough said (for now).

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