Friday 11 January 2008

It feels like it's been a week since Wednesday morning ...

More details later, but Kev was taken by ambulance (lights and sirens) on Wednesday just after lunch from our local hospital to Kingston General, where he had emergency surgery and is awaiting follow-up surgery, for probable necrotizing fasciitis. God is good ... he is alive, the infection was minimal (we caught it early due to an incredible "coincidence"), but it has been a roller coaster. We have also learned today that he is anaphylactic to penecillin, one of the three necessary antibiotics. He is not dead (25% mortality), he has not lost his leg (50% possibility); he had horrible reactions to morphine and has developed an anaphylactic reaction to penecillin (which will be challenged tonight at midnight to confirm). He hasn't eaten in three and a half days.

At the first surgery, biopsies were done and the results will not be in until midweek. So although they have treated it like nec. fasc., it may still not be. However it was an extremely aggressive cellulitis that still would have required surgery; we are thankful that the medical community worked well and quickly.

Our community and church family have rallied around us; God is good but I am tired and praying for this to be over. More later ...

1 comment:

Lona said...

Oh my word! Upholding you in prayer, dear friend. Will watch for updates.